There is nothing to show here!
Slider with alias taller-st-1 not found.

There is nothing to show here!
Slider with alias taller-st-exploracion not found.
There is nothing to show here!
Slider with alias st-1-taller-y-entrenamiento not found.
There is nothing to show here!
Slider with alias taller-st-continuidad not found.

There is nothing to show here!
Slider with alias open-mic-web not found.

There is nothing to show here!
Slider with alias st-1-taller-contenido-desarrollo not found.
There is nothing to show here!
Slider with alias taller-st-pago not found.
There is nothing to show here!
Slider with alias taller-st-certificacion not found.

Licenciado en Artes Escénicas de Universidad Mayor.
Diplomado en Gestión Cultural Pública y Privada de Universidad Alberto Hurtado.
Guionista en Teatro, TV y Cine.
Certificado en Producción Ejecutiva Audiovisual CNTV.
Coach Profesional en Liderazgo Personal, U.Andrés Bello / Centro Nextlevel.
Especialización en formato Standup, Buenos Aires Argentina.

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